
How to Build a Glass Aquarium

Whether you want to build a glass aquarium to keep fish or you are eager to get a reptile, you don't have to break the bank. In fact, very often it is cheaper to make your own than it is to purchase. When making your own, you can trust the build and in turn, you can make repairs as needed with confidence.
Another benefit to making your own glass aquarium is that you can build your aquarium at any size you want. Rather than running from pet shop to pet shop to find the perfect size to meet your needs, all you have to do is visit the glass supplier, have the glass cut and then bring it home and get to work.
There are some very important factors you are going to want to take into consideration about the glass before you start. You need to know the different glass types and this will help you identify the type of glass and thickness you will need to complete your tank build to the highest standard, ensuring that you have something that will provide you with years of use and enjoyment moving forward.
Firstly you need to know what glass you must and must not buy. Yes there are different types and not all glass is the same. Tempered glass should never be used, it is not strong enough, especially if you intend keeping fish and you will be filling the tank with water. You should speak to the supplier, as you are looking for plate or sheet glass, which is considerably stronger. In addition to this, the glass will break into larger pieces if broken, which can be beneficial when it comes to cleaning up along with keep you and your family safe.
You are going to want to get all your equipment ready once you have placed your glass order. You are going to need your five panes of glass, the base and four sides, along with alcohol for cleaning and silicone. In addition to this you are going tow ant square clamps or heavy objects which will be able to hold the sides as they dry. Such as heavy crates or boxes, four of them.
Choose an open space where the tank will be able to stand and dry. This can take anything from twenty four to forty eight hours and should not be disturbed, so a garage or workshop is ideal. If working at home, any table as long as no one is going to need it for the next couple of days.
Remember that when you speak to your glass specialist you will want them to recommend the glass thickness based on what you will be using the tank for. Further the sides should be slightly shorter to accommodate the glass thickness of the sides. The four sides need to be able to sit on the base comfortably with ease.
Lay out all five pieces of glass in position on the table. So the base in the center and then the four sides around the edges. Now you can get to work. This process should not be rushed, so set yourself some time where you can work with the glass and be careful to ensure you complete the project to the highest standard.
Clean the side of the glass with alcohol and give it a few seconds to dry and then apply silicone. The silicone should fill the gap completely with no air bubbles. Raise up the side and hold it in place to ensure it meets your needs. Do the same with the other four sides, ensuring that they are all held in place. Now silicone the inside to ensure when you fill with water the tank is not going to leak.

How to Build a Glass Aquarium

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