
The Star of Bethlehem

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Master Author Norma Holt

The introduction of Jesus Christ in the books of Matthew and Luke in the New Testament are clashing as well as legendary in nature. Nothing focuses to this reality more than the supposed Star of Bethlehem. It guided the shepherds to where the child was conceived, as indicated by Matthew 2:1. No where else in the book of scriptures, beside this part, is it said. Neither Mark nor John allude to the birth making it much more suspicious as to its root.

Taking after my resurrection and with a solid connection to the Spirit it drove me to follow the cause of religion and to disentangle the lies of the book of scriptures. It likewise drove me to research Constantine, the Roman Emperor, who set up the Catholic Church and reused the possibility of Christ from Babylonian myths.

Babylon is the main home of Islam. Its banner conveys the 5-guide star toward speak to the sun, the central star of the heavenly world in our locale. It is the imagery of the reasoning of the time, which included ideas of the sun as the Mother God. Represented into a lady her name is Mary, which signifies 'mother's capable light'.

Men sought to "wed" Mary by biting the dust on crosses at first light and riding the sun-pillars into her domain (paradise or heaven). These beams were alluded to as 'or-s' which is 'daylight' and the beginning of 'stallion', the vehicle men ride. The scratched white stallion leftovers are as yet present in Britain and Europe.

The expression "star" is from 's-t-or' which signifies 'light-cross-sun'. The letters [o] and [a] are exchangeable in antiquated content and 't-or' alludes to the 'mountain crest' since this is the place the "star" was seen at day break.

The city committed to Mary was set up 11 km northwest of Au Kabul in Syria where its remaining parts are found. It was the following capital of Islam after Babylon and was crushed by seismic tremor somewhere in the range of 4,000 years prior. It was around that time that the Amor (the first occupants of Babylon and manufacturers of the Persian Empire) were fortifying their nearness in the Mediterranean areas.

In Italy they constructed their next capital, Roma (invert Amor) and shrouded their past history under their new pretense as the Romans. Constantine was an immediate relative. He place Mary into his new religion as its central god and made Jesus Christ her child. He and his associates drew intensely from old myths to sort out how, when, and where the Son of God was conceived.

As my rebirth demonstrates there is no paradise or damnation however the myths in the New Testament are about inducing its devotees and persuading them generally. Religion flourish with the dread they create and the mass of double dealing is big to the point that few can discover their way through it.

The Star of Bethlehem is simply one more piece of information in the unprecedented way people are deceived and why God is so furious with them that obliteration of earth as we probably am aware it needs to happen.

Norma's examination backpedaled to Babylon to uncover the foundations of religion and the personality of 666. It demonstrates definitively that paradise and damnation are traps intended to control individuals into having faith in his Islamic religion.

The Star of Bethlehem

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