

Getting rid of the fat in the sides - a comprehensive file to get rid of waist fat
 Gouri Al-Naimi Gouri Al-Nuaimi September 2, 2015 26, 100
The problem of fat accumulation around the waist of the problems common in men and women also in this article a comprehensive file to get rid of the fat accumulated around the waist in addition to some natural tips and mixes exclusively on the magazine Rajim first Arab in the world of fitness health and beauty
Getting rid of the fat in the sides - a comprehensive file to get rid of waist fat
Causes of fat accumulation in aspects

Do you know that eating foods high in fat does not make fat accumulate on the waist, but that the main reason is the hormonal disorders associated with our mental state, for example increase the hormone cortisol responsible for our sense of stress and tension makes the body stores the fat in foods and does not burn and use as energy. And the lack of serotonin hormone known as the hormone of happiness leads to the storage of carbohydrate or starchy, and affects the process of regulation and balance of estrogen hormones or progesterone responsible for the organization of menstrual cycle and pregnancy and childbearing and all of this causes weight gain and makes dieting useless.

- How to secrete hormone Cortisol: If more than three hours after waking up and did not eat any food, the body will produce hormone cortisol, which stimulates the body to store fat and thus increase the body weight when eating.
If: After waking up, have a healthy breakfast or snack, such as fruit or milk, and skip all the caffeine-rich foods or foods that stimulate your body to secrete cortisol.

- Serotonin is the hormone responsible for feeling happy and you can get it by eating a lot of foods rich in amino acid Ritovan, which you find a lot in bananas, figs, white cheese, eggs, milk and dates.
- Balance estrogen and progesterone in the body prevents the accumulation of fat around the waist:
Drink twice a cup of skimmed milk daily because milk increases the beneficial bacteria inside the intestine and thus eliminates the swelling and digestive disorders caused by abnormal levels of estrogen and progesterone before the menstrual cycle.
Foods containing wheat, rice, barley, carrots, potatoes, apples and plums also balance estrogen and progesterone in the body and more
Getting rid of the fat in the sides - a comprehensive file to get rid of waist fat

Some exercise:

1 - Exercise stand moderately:
Keep your feet parallel. .. between your thighs, put your hands on them.
Take your right knee to the top, stop at the height of the thigh, use a wall or chair if you need to maintain balance.
Grab the abdominal muscles, spread your feet straight forward, move your fingers a quarter of a circle, then take your feet and repeat this 10 times.

2 - Foot push exercise:
Lie on your back, put your hands next to you.
Remove your legs and legs from the thighs to the top, so that the area of ​​the thigh is slightly inclined to the ground, while your foot is raised several inches from the ground, and so keep something.
Then gradually rewind the same as you lower your legs, and repeat it 15 times.

3- Chest Exercise:
Lie on your stomach, and put your hands under your chin.
Tuck the muscles of your stomach, and exhale breath and you lift your chest to the top slightly, and stay so.
Move your chest quarter-circle to the right and then put it back to the middle and then turn it back to the left, then gradually breathe a breath and you return it to the ground again, and repeat this 10 times.

Recipes to get rid of fat aspects:

The first recipe: thyme tea and thyme to get rid of accumulated fat in the waist area

the ingredients :

Two tablespoons of dry sage
Two tablespoons of ground dried thyme
Two tablespoons of ground cumin
Two tablespoons of dry, grated green tea
Two tablespoons of dried and dried pomegranate peel
Two tablespoons of ground ginger
Two tablespoons of ground cinnamon
Two tablespoons of ground linseed.
Green apple vinegar

Method of preparation and use:

- Put the ingredients in a bowl and then stir them with green apple vinegar until you have a cohesive paste.
- Make dough like chickpeas, then put them in the refrigerator and leave for a day to freeze
- Pour a grain with a glass of water before each meal an hour.
- Continue to take these ingredients for one month.

Second recipe: Fennel to get rid of the fat accumulated in the waist area

the ingredients :
Two tablespoons of fennel.
2 tablespoons ground cinnamon.
Two tablespoons of cumin.

Method of preparation and use:

Put the fennel in a liter of water and leave it on the fire to the point of boiling
Then add a quarter cup of lemon juice to the water and mix in the blender.
Now add cumin and cinnamon to the mixture and mix well.
Pour the recipe you prepared in a glass of fruit juice over a natural fruit or apple juice as you like
Drink this afternoon once or twice a day to get rid of excess weight in the waist and abdomen and enjoy a perfect body

Third recipe:

the ingredients:

1 - Green tea and its effect on fat burning and it is useful as an antioxidant
2. Ginger
4- Cumin


Boil the four ingredients and the same proportions in a bowl and leave for 10 minutes and then drain
And drink a cup of 200 ml on the stomach daily and drink another cup before lunch half an hour and before dinner half an hour also for a full month
Note: can
Definitions of Al
the chemical element aluminum.
Translations of al


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