
What Is Salvation? Part 5d


It has been the most lowering voyage for me, as a change over to Christianity, to have passage into the heart and psyche of the Almighty God, for He is the main Wise God (Rom 16, Jude 1 KJV). I won't underestimate His beauty, and leniency. I am made mindful of my evil tissue (the disgrace of my exposure) that brought the scourge of death upon me; I am made mindful of the adoration with which He kicked the bucket to give me life, and surrender to His Spirit consistently, and with joy, that I may execute my wicked substance to live in His nearness until the end of time.

In the book of Genesis, our disgrace (sin) of bareness (tissue) was uncovered, was judged, and uprightness by confidence was built up; the blood of a honest creature was given as a covering to man's wrongdoing, which was honed routinely by every one of the patriarchs from Adam to Moses. In the Law of Moses, God formalized the conciliatory framework to the country of Israel (Lev 4 KJV) for instance for every single barbarian country to see; at the end of the day, creature blood just gave "covering" for transgression. The blood of the customary sin offering made for the ministers or the assembly was sprinkled before the cloak of the Sanctuary, and connected on the horns of the Altar of Incense, and poured at the base of the Altar of Burnt Offering implying just legitimization. The creature's fat was then isolated from the fragile living creature and consumed on the Altar of Burnt Offering, which rose as a sweet enjoy satisfactory to God; notwithstanding, the tissue (sin) of the creature was taken outside the camp and consumed with (flame) implying blessing. It is extremely huge that the fiery debris from consumed fat were taken outside the camp and "spilled out" on a spotless place and the substance of the creature was then singed upon it Lev 4:12. The words "spilled out" in Hebrew is Shephek Strong's H08211, which signifies "the place of pouring".

(Take note of: the trespass offering for different sins, and the day by day consumed offering indicate the continuous blessing where blood of the creature is not offered, and are constantly made separated from the transgression offering; in any case, both sin and trespass offerings required genuine contrition Lev 4, 5, 6 KJV. In the every day consumed offering the creature is singed all in all, yet the fiery debris are taken outside the camp to a perfect place as with the transgression offering-Lev 4, 6 KJV).

"41 I will acknowledge you with your sweet appreciate, when I bring you out from the general population, and assemble you out of the nations wherein ye have been scattered; and I will be blessed in you before the pagan." Eze 20:41 KJV

God disallowed the eating of the fat or the blood of the advertising. This was an interminable statute:

"16 And the cleric might consume them upon the sacred place: it is the sustenance of the offering made by flame for a sweet enjoy: all the fat is the Lord's. 17 It might be an interminable statute for your eras all through every one of your residences, that ye eat neither fat nor blood." Lev 3:16-17 KJV

The transgression offering for the cleric and the gathering symbolized the legitimization and blessing procedure of the Christian, a minister unto God, by the energy of the Blood of Christ and the Holy Spirit. The creature offered, symbolized Christ as the substitution for the miscreant; the blood symbolized the Blood of Christ for our defense; the sweet appreciate that rose to God symbolized Christ's rising; the fiery remains of the fat "spilled out" on a perfect place outside the camp signifies the Holy Spirit that descended in the second story room and laid on the followers as tongues of flame; the tissue of the creature that is set upon the cinders is the evil tissue of man consumed by the fire of the Holy Spirit:

"2 But who may stand the day of his coming? furthermore, who should stand when he appeareth? for he resembles a refiner's fire, and like fullers' cleanser: 3 And he should sit as a refiner and purifier of silver: and he might sanitize the children of Levi, and cleanse them as gold and silver, that they may offer unto the Lord an offering in uprightness." Mal 3:2-3 KJV

"Also, when the day of Pentecost was completely come, they were all in unanimous agreement in one place.2 And all of a sudden there came a sound from paradise starting at a hurrying strong wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.3 And there showed up unto them cloven tongues like as of flame, and it endless supply of them. 4 And they were altogether loaded with the Holy Ghost,... 17 And it might happen in the most recent days, saith God, I will spill out of my Spirit upon all substance:" Acts 2:1-4a, 17a KJV

In the congregation age the Blood of Christ paid the punishment for our wrongdoing (support) and the energy of the Holy Spirit (rite of passage) takes away our transgression in the substance (blessing):

"For we are unto God a sweet relish of Christ, in them that are spared, and in them that die:" 2 Cor 2:15 KJV

Christ said sin involves the heart that shows in the spirit (substance) and will be singed:

"7 Woe unto the world as a result of offenses! for it should requirements be that offenses come; however misfortune to that man by whom the offense cometh! 8 Wherefore if thy hand or thy foot insult thee, cut them off, and cast them from thee: it is better for thee to go into life stop or injured, instead of having two hands or two feet to be thrown into everlasting flame. 9 And if thine eye insult thee, cull it out, and cast it from thee: it is better for thee to go into existence with one eye, instead of having two eyes to be thrown into hellfire (Geenna Strong's G1067) fire." Matt 18:7-9; (Mark 9) KJV

"28 And dread not them which execute the body, but rather are not ready to murder the spirit: yet rather fear him which can decimate both soul and body in hellfire (Geenna Strong's G1067)" Matt 10:28

Beginning to Revelation is about humankind's transgression and God's nobility and judgment. Judgment and uprightness are the establishment of God's Throne. All underhanded, sin and passing are annulled at the New Creation and God's uprightness is built up. The noble in-Christ are made ethical and godlike, and will be in God's Kingdom, and in His nearness, until the end of time.

"10 And the demon that hoodwinked them was thrown into the pool of flame and brimstone, where the monster and the false prophet are, and should be tormented day and night for ever and ever.11 And I saw an extraordinary white honored position, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the paradise fled away; and there was found no place for them.12 And I saw the dead, little and incredible, remain before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were composed in the books, as per their works.13 And the ocean surrendered the dead which were in it; and demise and hellfire conveyed up the dead which were in them: and they were judged each man as per their works.14 And passing and damnation were thrown into the pool of flame. This is the second death.15 And whosoever was not discovered written in the book of life was thrown into the pool of flame." Rev 20:10-15 KJV

"41 Then should he say additionally unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye reviled, into everlasting flame, arranged for the fallen angel and his angels:... 46 And these should leave into everlasting discipline: however the upright into life endless." Matt 25:41, 46 KJV

"Lift up your eyes to the sky, and look upon the earth underneath: for the sky should vanish away like smoke, and the earth might wax old like an article of clothing, and they that stay in that should kick the bucket in like way: yet my salvation should be for ever, and my nobility should not be nullified." Isa 51:6 KJV

God disregarded the seasons of numbness before Christ came and passed on for us, however it is no more! Try not to be misdirected, His Counsel will stand, and His motivation will win: God's salvation is about interminability and mortality, and at the last judgment it should be until the end of time:

"30 And the seasons of this numbness God winked at; yet now commandeth all men wherever to repent:31 Because he hath designated a day, in the which he will judge the world in exemplary nature by that man whom he hath appointed; whereof he hath given affirmation unto all men, in that he hath raised him from the dead.32 And when they knew about the revival of the dead, some ridiculed: and others stated, We will hear thee again of this matter." Acts 17:30-32 KJV

God will wreck both body and soul of the profane in the pool of flame (Geenna) at the last judgment (Matt 10:28 KJV). This is the second demise executed for the unrepentant that strolls after the substance (Rom 8 KJV).

There is just the same old thing new under the sun, for God is a similar yesterday, today and tomorrow. He was, is, and will be. "Come Lord Jesus, come!", The Spirit and the Bride say "come!"

The book of scriptures does not state that our spirit is unfading. What does endless life mean then? What precisely is salvation?

What Is Salvation? Part 5d

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