
Funders Want Outcomes, Not Output

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Master Author Janet Christy 

Funders, establishments, government offices and even contributors, need the associations they reserve to show results, not report exercises and yields. They need to reserve comes about situated projects, not read touching stories. 

Funders need to see: 

Methodology more than strategies - Improve graduation rate through coaching VS X number of members in an after school program 

Huge picture versus counts of exercises - Produce X number of individuals in occupations that compensation $15 or more every hour utilized for 1 year or more VS Train X number individuals in assembling aptitudes and Assist X number of individuals in resume readiness 

Joining forces more than alluding - Partner with X number of associations to give GED qualified members to a workforce improvement program VS Refer customers who can't read to proficiency associations. Accomplice infers communication - Refer suggests you are finished 

Viability rather than hard work - X number of program members plan to pick a vocation in medicinal services VS Spoke to 25 understudy bunches on human services professions and taken an interest in 3 secondary school profession day occasions 

Systemic change versus tragic accounts - Facilitated the appropriation of new approach by the Sheriff's Department that guides officers to contact Solicitor's office before confining adolescents VS Story about a School Resource Officer that advised two eleventh graders and shielded them from dropping out 

Confirmation of development and finish - Provided assets that empowered X number of program graduates to remain utilized in years two through five VS Contacted X number of program graduates to finish overview about work status 

Profundity, expansiveness and duty of associations with partners - Coalition of a secondary school, a group focus, guardians, Boy Scouts and two chapels give mentoring and support to at-hazard 6th graders. Point by point MOUs exist between the associations; guardians and understudy members sign responsibility letters. Evaluations and test scores of understudy members are checked. The result objective of the program is that advancement from 6th to seventh grade will enhance every year. Versus A people group focus that offers an after school program for center schoolers with volunteer guides and screens. There are no MOUs with different associations or schools. Support by understudies is intentional; guardians are not required to be included. Since there is no formal association with the school the group focus can't get evaluations or test scores. 

Clearly it requires investment to concentrate on results and create program, estimations and connections that will achieve those results. Be that as it may, the time is an interest in a proposition and a program that will get supported. 

Janet W Christy is an advisor spend significant time in getting data (from individuals' heads, reports, thinks about, center gatherings, and so on.) into a usable shape, for example, an operational/marketable strategy, give application, assessment/appraisal, report, approach manual or formative arrangement. Janet's blog can be found at https://janetwchristy.wordpress.com/You can see more data about Janet and her firm, Leverage and Development, LLC at http://www.leverageanddevelopment.com.

Funders Want Outcomes, Not Output

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