
News Until You Puke

I listen to an excessive amount of news. I feel on the off chance that I don't, I'll miss the Second Coming, spreading Tsunami, in coming meteor, rising melt water from icy masses, a sun oriented flare that may rotisserie me, outsider intrusion or next fear assault that has been guaranteed for as long as four years. Since I would prefer not to miss these things, I listen to an abundant excess news.

Beause I listen to an excessive amount of news, I know an excessive amount of about beheadinigs and projectile baffled bodies. I know an excessive amount of about auto bombs and body parts lying around. A couple days back they found a couple of dozen heads in boxes in Iraq. This is no real way to excel in war. I wish I didn't think about that, however I do. It makes me wonder where whatever remains of them went. I just know this stuff since I watch and listen to an excessive amount of news.

I know an excessive number of darn feelings about an abundant excess stuff. I used to listen to Limbaugh, however I don't think he trusts himself at times and O'Reilly is just far excessively furious, savvy assed and curbed for my taste, yet I think about these folks, since I listen to an abundant excess news. I heard a couple things...in the news about their own lives, and that was quite cool to know they aren't as honest as they would have me accept. I discovered that on the news. I listen to an excessive amount of you know. I listen to Air America. Now that is a really newsy group if at any point there was one. I like them. They terrify the damnation out of me, however I like them. They say everything in regards to government and this organization that the various news I read about them makes me think. They make me feel that the contemplations I have about the various news I read about is at any rate ordinary. At any rate I don't feel so alone in my response to all the news I read an abundant excess of.

I know an abundant excess about Politicians, particularly Republican ones that affection Jesus such a great amount of, some of them appear to love making war increasingly so he can return or something it appears. They have intercourse as well, however appear to regularly get discovered doing it with the wrong individuals and even the wrong sex. Wow, however fair, I read it in the news. I read Mrs. Bramble moved out of the Whitehouse as of late on the grounds that Mr. President was goofin around with...well, others. Stunning, that is pretty darn huge news. Didn't see it on Fox or AOL however, so perhaps it's not news, or possibly it is but rather not news for the masses, who knows? Some news lets me know I won't see this news on the news since they won't make it news, so I figure we lose. Gosh, the news even lets me know that this President won't not be the genuine President and that such a large number of individuals had their vote tossed out, OK Democratic voters did. Since would discourage, yet appears to be consistent with me. I hear it is valid, from the news, twice!

As a result of the news, I know an excessive amount of about CEO's who take an abundant excess from others to improve themselves. I mean a LOT of them do. The news fills me in on the amount Congressmen and Reps take from general society till, yet CEO's are getting pretty darn great at it as well. I see it in the news. Million dollar birthday parties, retirements that make God desirous since now he doesn't claim all the cows on a thousand slopes all things considered. That previous CEO does! Or possibly he can. Grinning chimps all, since they generally appear to be so sad AFTER they get got, thus stunned on the grounds that they are soooooo pure, however I simply wager if nobody saw, they'd not be sad a bit and take some more. In any case, then at any rate later, we'd have more news. I read in the news where Enron simply didn't pass out the force they said they didn't have, however did and got boatloads of money from old individuals in California attempting to keep warm or cool...I overlook which. Made me kinda distraught. Those folks went to imprison, yet I trust we don't read in the news that their closest companion, Mr. President, pardons them or something on out the entryway. I read in the news he can do that. It concerns me since I likewise read that when the President left Texas as Governor and was asked who might tidy up after all the harm he did, he said it was not his issue. I trust I don't read he said that again when he leave office this time. I wager he does. I read in the news once that individuals don't change much in their lives and what they were despite everything they are generally.

Why do I do this to myself...you know, perusing and listening to all the news and feelings about the news and the general population in the news who make the news and wish the news never discovered them? What number of heads in boxes would I truly like to think about or squashed people in seismic tremors? I need to say, I am concerned that on the off chance that I don't stay aware of the news, I'll miss the huge one, whatever that may be. I attempted once to not watch or listen to the news or the feelings the huge young men have about it, however it didn't work. I got apprehensive not realizing what I was absent. I read in the news once where they need us to be apprehensive about the news since trepidation makes a decent consider controlling us and transforming every one of the standards so we don't have the same flexibilities we had before they made us anxious. Gosh, I can't win with this news thing! Presently I even read news regarding why the news is how it is!

I read once where what I believed was news was truly not. It was more similar to an administration commercial that was made to look like news. Be that as it may, they got. I saw that on the news.

Indeed, I get it's news, news, news, until we vomit or possibly until Jesus returns and close down the presses and makes all of us go to the congregation of another person's decision so we can be upbeat. I read where then we'd need to pass by Bible standards and stone our insubordinate children and ladies who were mischievous and tithe to the picked pioneers of God. It would resemble Jesus Land however for our own great and gay individuals and whoremongers, yet not WARmongers, (what's a monger?) would get killed and we could just watch stuff like Oklahoma and Nemo discovers Noah...and and and..oh it doesn't mind, I read about the bliss in the news and I am trusting that at any rate that will get these individuals out of here so we can settle the stuff they broke. I'm frightening myself again with stuff I read in the news. I'm breathing hard again..I gotta go out for a stroll. Gosh, I trust on the off chance that I am exploded or gassed by some terrorist while out strolling, they in any event get my name right. I read on the news where they stirred up two mischance victims...doh...see what I mean!

News Until You Puke

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