
Is It Possible for a Salt Water Aquarium Beginner to Have a Thriving Tank Not Making Dumb Mistakes?

aquarium for a beginner that will leave you with a sense of pride. Most people wing it, they take short cuts and never really know what they are doing or why in this hobby. These guys also typically spend a ton of cash on fixing those mistakes by replacing dead marine life and always tending to one disaster after the next.What's more interesting to note is that around 90% of these people end up not lasting more than a year before completely giving up and spending a ton of time and money. Now, having a definitive guide in your possession as a walk through step by step might sound like a cure all but even this definitive guide is not for everyone.
Only saltwater aquarium owners and potential saltwater aquarium owners who will actually take time to learn everything they should know before setting up a tank will benefit and watch one thrive.
I have made all newbie mistakes myself and taken every shortcut you could think of because as passionately as I was at first to own a saltwater aquarium over a fresh water one, I was poorly educated and swain to believe there was not much to it.
If you go into this hobby with this kind of mindset and believe your eventual marine eco-system will be just "fine" then I can guarantee you will end up paying a heavy price and your marine life will pay the ultimate price as you go about haphazardly going through trial and error and this is not fair to your fish, coral(s), and other invertebrates you might have planned on inhabiting your tank.
Did you know the number one biggest misconception for a saltwater aquarium beginner to fail from the start? Many people do not realize this, but a smaller tank is actually harder to maintain! This is because water parameters are easier to maintain the more water there is! When something goes wrong in a smaller aquarium for example, all of the water become contaminated a lot quicker than an aquarium that holds a lot more water because it takes longer to spread!
When you know simple things like how big a starting tank should be for a salt water aquarium beginner you can learn over time to become more proficient in this hobby and work your way down to a smaller tank or even multiple tanks!

Is It Possible for a Salt Water Aquarium Beginner to Have a Thriving Tank Not Making Dumb Mistakes?

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